Henry Hazlitt

“Economics In One Lesson”

(EPUB, 215 Kb)

Table of contents:

1. The Lesson
2. The Broken Window
3. The Blessings Of Destruction
4. Public Works Mean Taxes
5. Taxes Discourage Production
6. Credit Diverts Production
7. The Curse Of Machinery
8. Spread-The-Work Schemes
9. Disbanding Troops And Bureaucrats
10. The Fetish Of Full Employment
11. Who's "Protected" By Tariffs
12. The Drive For Exports
13. "Parity" Prices
14. Saving The X Industry
15. How The Price System Works
16. "Stabilizing" Commodities
17. Government Price-Fixing
18. Minimum Wage Laws
19. Do Unions Really Raise Wages?
20. "Enough To Buy Back The Product"
21. The Function Of Profits
22. The Mirage Of Inflation
23. The Assault On Saving
24. The Lesson Restated
25. A Note On Books